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7pm SVTC Monthly Member Meeting (Zoom): Building Athletica and AI-based Training
About this event
Topic: SVTC Monthly Speaker Meeting 2023 - Paul Laursen, PhD (Zoom link below)
Building Athletica: An AI coach delivering personalized training based on the latest endurance science
Time: Mon. November 13, 2023 at 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Dr. Paul Laursen, a prominent figure in endurance sports, is a versatile athlete, coach, scientist, and entrepreneur, boasting more than three decades of experience. His impressive academic career includes over 200 peer-reviewed scientific manuscripts and mentorship of more than 20 PhD students, including the likes of age group Ironman record holder Dan Plews. Paul is also renowned as the co-author of the bestseller "The Science and Application of High-Intensity Interval Training.”

On a personal level, Dr. Laursen has successfully completed over 100 endurance events, including 18 Ironman triathlons. Notably, he has coached accomplished athletes such as Kyle Buckingham and Andi Boecherer to triumph in Ironman competitions. Driven by a passion for innovation, Dr. Laursen co-founded, a pioneering training platform that skillfully combines scientific principles with artificial intelligence, including machine learning and numerical optimization. This dynamic platform is rapidly evolving and is set to redefine the future of athletic training.
Presentation Overview:
- Journey to developing AI training for triathletes
- Making it up as you go — from triathlete, to scientist, to coach, to entrepreneur
- Athletica’s key technological features
- Adaptive training logic - leveraging the principles of progressive overload and training consistency
- Workout Wizard - because context always rules over content
- Workout Reserve - how are you making progress session by session
- AI Session Summary (new beta release) - knowledge is power, teach me
Following the presentation and Q&A, we will cover SVTC club business.
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