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B-Ride, Mt. Hamilton CANCELLED (snow and cold up top)
Ride start: Linda Vista Elementary School.
100 Kirk Ave, San Jose, CA
San Jose
Member-Led Workouts
Registration Info
Registration is required
These rides are member led rides. Route/distance are published ahead of time but are subject to change due to weather conditions and/or member participation. i.e, if no one wants to climb that day, we don’t climb!
Non-members are allowed one free workout and rides at one's own risk. All riders must adhere to the standard safety rules stated below and follow all traffic laws.
New and non-members please identify yourself to the ride lead early at the start meeting location so that we can go over more detailed safety and legal briefing before ride start.
These rides are geared for triathlon specific, endurance-based cycling, to prepare for Ironman, half Ironman (70.3) and Olympic distance races.
All Riders must be self-sufficient on the road and be able to take care of one-self during mechanical issues, blown tires, or minor accidents.
About this event
This Spring weather is not co-operating with us going up to Mt. Ham. We'll try again in the summer when its warmer.
This is our annual Mt. Ham climb. Normally this ride is held in Spring. Weather pending as we won't know until closer. Please bring a windbreaker for the thrilling downhill, can be a bit cold.
This is a long climb, we'll be spread all over the road. Instead of a fixed start time, we'll have a fixed top time. Target to meet up at the top for photo at 11:00AM.
Normally, if you are faster than me, it'll take you 1:50 to 2 hrs to get up. I'll be around 2:10.
Please register so that we know approx how many of you are coming. Ride wheels-up no later than 9:00AM.
Ride start: Linda Vista Elementary School. Plenty of parking (Led by Vincent)
Address: 100 Kirk Ave, San Jose, CA 95127

B/C+ Ride Mt Hamilton 39 miles, 5000 ft
No Specific Speed requirement, need to be able to climb 5000 ft in less than 2.5 hours. Doable for most Triathletes. If you have not done it, Recommend to do this with a group of rides of the same speed and ability. Strongly suggest to go up in a small self formed groups.
BE PREPARED: Bring cue sheet (above), water (2 bottles), gels, bars, spare tubes (with the correct stem length for carbon wheels), pump/CO2 cartridges, tools, sunblock lotion, and additional clothing for any weather changes.